Rules of the invitational stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren 2024
Invitational stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the Olympiad) is held for pupils of general education organizations of Russia and foreign countries (participants), as well as for teachers, parents and general public (participants outside the competition). Recommended age group – from 10 to 18 years old.
There are six Olympiad subjects: Astronomy, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Information Science.
The Olympiad is held distantly from 18 April 2023 till 24 May 2024 in accordance with the schedule.
To take part one has to register on the site of the Olympiad. It is acceptable to sign up for several general education subjects if there are separate applications for all of them. During the registration it is necessary to specify the age level (junior, middle, senior), on which one plans to participate in the Olympiad. To determine the level, a thematic description of each of them can be examined. Registration is available till 6 p.m. Moscow time, on the last day of the Olympiad on particular subject.
Requirements for conducting rounds of each subject and age level will be formed. They will include information about the duration and recommendations on the use of the equipment and reference tools. They will be available not later than 3 calendar days before the beginning of the round.
Each Olympiad round begins at 10 a.m. Moscow time in accordance with the schedule and finishes at 8 p.m.Moscow time on date of the end of the Olympiad. The Olympiad tasks can be performed at any time during this period, but must be completed not later than the end of the round.
Participants perform the Olympiad tasks individually and independently. Collective fulfillment of the tasks and use of outside help (parents, teachers, the Internet, etc.) are forbidden.
Not later than 3 calendar days after the end of the Olympiad, text- and video analysis of the tasks will be available on the site of the Olympiad.
The Olympiad tasks are automatically checked by the testing system. To send answers one needs to click on the button “Save answer”. Assessment takes place in accordance with the criteria, developed by authors.
Results (points for each task) will appear in the testing system not later than 7 calendar days after the end of the Olympiad.
Appeals relating to the content and structure of the Olympiad tasks, criteria and assessment methodology are not accepted or considered.
Certificate of participants, who will have successfully performed the tasks, will be available not later than the end of June. To download them one needs to log in to their personal account and follow the link from the application to the testing system.
Subject;Approximate age of the participants;Round dates
Astronomy;10–18-year-olds;18–19 April 2024
Chemistry;12–18-year-olds;22–23 April 2024
Physics;12–18-year-olds;25–26 April 2024
Biology;10–18-year-olds;13–15 May 2024
Mathematics;9–18-year-olds;16–18 May 2024
Information Science;10–18-year-olds;23–24 May 2024